QCMHA Podcast Series
Welcome to the QCMHA Podcast Series! If you’re new to the QCMHA community, we are an executive team at Queen’s University called the Queen’s Commerce Mental Health Association. Our team was founded in 2018 by two students who noticed the lack on mental health resources and support for students at our university. The executive has grown from a team of 2 to 29 students, who are all passionate about opening up the conversation about mental health at Queen’s. Our team is committed to mental health advocacy and education through in-person (pre-COVID) and online events, as well as informative posts via our Instagram and website to help students navigate mental health challenges and improve their day-to-day well-being. The podcast series is hosted by our team’s logistics and speakers’ team, so we hope you enjoy the adventure as Caroline, Taylor, and Alex gather new information, advice, and good laughs through our interview series. We hope you enjoy listening just as much as we’ve enjoyed creating this project. Stay well, The QCMHA Team
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